Thursday, July 29, 2010

Worldwide Photo Walk

I love the Worldwide Photo Walk!!  There's no pressure to make sure anyone is smiling.  I can take pictures of trash, artwork, people, anything that makes me smile.  This will be my entry for the competition this year.  I was shooting in front of Sunrise Cyclery when the owner came out  Along with running the shop, he's an artist.  He shared some of his work with us.  I absolutely love his Kokopelli.
This shot is from Jeff's enormous sewing machine.  He uses it to sew his eco-friendly seats from used bike tires.  He fills the seats with pop bottles, shipping padding, really anything that is clean and fits.  The chairs are remarkably comfy.  To see images of his seats, check out my webpage at:

Sunday, July 18, 2010

It's confession time.  I live in Utah and I don't ski.  I've lived here 18 years and have never been, not once.  There are days in January that I look out the window and wonder what it is like.  I have images of myself speeding downward while  I race down a hill, but have yet to try.  That being said, I make up for my lack of winter sports prowess from May thru October. My blog is a victim of beautiful weather.   I blame my negligence for updating it on the weather. I keep meaning to sit down at the computer and update, but I keep getting sucked outside to enjoy this perfect summer we're having.  After all, who wants to sit at a computer when you could be outside.  That's what winter is for.   I'll grab a cup of hot cocoa, wrap my "it's not a snuggie, it's a warm wrap" around me and fill my blog with photos of fresh spring flowers, summer days, autumn leaves then. 

Thursday, July 1, 2010


This was a great shoot, complete with a Dallas Cowboys fan and a cowboy.  I always encourage clients of all ages to bring something with them that tells the viewer who they are.